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  • Jodi

"City Slicker" Farm

As our studies take us away from the Texas coast and its marine inhabitants and unique industries, we are turning our attention to the Central Plains of Texas. This is the largest part of the state, so we will explore much of the general history of Texas during this unit of study, starting with the early inhabitants and settlers of Texas. We are reading about Cynthia Ann Parker, the child of an anglo family who settled in Texas but who was taken captive by a Native American tribe to serve and ultimately assimilate into their culture. If you follow our blog you will hear more of her story, but for now know it is the jumping off point for an exploration of the ways Texas Native people lived as well as early settlers. Many Native American Peoples who lived in Texas were farmers (others were not), and the early settlers depended on farming as well.

We are learning about "farming in the city" by identifying and understanding the parts of a seed,

the cost of planting from seed versus growing small plants already started.

and planting both seeds and started plants.

Our seeds are starting to sprout, and our small plants have been discovered by squirrels, so "farming" is turning out to be both fun and problematic. We will post an update on how our plants are doing... but life in Texas early on was clearly one of hard work!

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